Monday, April 21, 2014

10 Overlooked Spring Cleaning Projects

Spring Cleaning Ideas

Pull out the broom and mop because its time to do some Spring cleaning. Wash the windows, sweep the floors, clean the carpets, declutter and organize the house from top to bottom. All done! Right?

Often times, its cleaning the small and unseen areas that can make the biggest difference. Forgotten closets, broken items and routine maintenance should be added to your list. We've put together a list of overlooked projects that can help you live in a clean, well organized and safer home.

10 Overlooked Spring Cleaning Projects

Here are some spring cleaning ideas you may have overlooked:
  1. Give it away, recycle it or throw it away. The easiest way to clean and organize your home is to get rid of the clutter.
  2. Change the batteries in your smoke and carbon monoxide alarms.
  3. Do one room a day until you're done. Spring cleaning is a great opportunity to begin a new cleaning habit.
  4. Clean out your medicine cabinet. Throw away any expired medications.
  5. Check the inspection dates on your fire extinguishers.
  6. Make small repairs to items as you clean.
  7. Have the air conditioner checked and cleaned before it get's too hot.
  8. Pack up unneeded winter clothes.
  9. Clean your window dressings. Wash or dry clean the curtains and clean your blinds and shades.
  10. Reward yourself for a job well done!

Share your spring cleaning ideas with us!

We'd love to hear them! Check out our Cleaning and Organizing board on Pinterest for more ideas! Photo by Bob Jagendorf 

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